Young players on indoor pitch

Youth Football FAQs

What happens to the remainder of the season?
At this point, we are unsure. The FA will make a decision centrally once they have impact accessed all possible scenarios.

When will football restart?
This will be dependent on Government advice and how the situation unfolds. Rest assured this is the question on everyone’s lips, and as soon as we have an answer, it will be shared.

How do we keep qualifications up to date with no courses?
With no face-to-face courses, we understand that qualifications may lapse. We hope to arrange plenty of courses when we are able to so that as many people as possible can access what they need to.

Don’t forget, that if you have completed a face-to-face FA Safeguarding Children workshop before and you just need to renew, then you can do so online here: // 

How do we complete new DBS checks?
We are awaiting feedback from The FA as to how the DBS checks can continue during the suspension of grassroots football. Once this has been finalised by The FA, their legal team, DBS and GBG, Kent FA will share the communication. 

How might we keep players engaged?
In the current situation, it’s important that you stay engaged with your young players. However, with the access to modern technology, this is easier than ever. We recommend that parents and coaches join “The Football@Home Hub – Kent FA and COVID-19" on Facebook as we will be using this group to share useful resources, technical drills and fun activities for young people to do during the suspension of grassroots football. 

Will our league AGM now be done digitally?
We are currently exploring options for how leagues may be able to engage member clubs digitally if necessary. We will have plenty of information on this once we have a better idea of when things may return to normal.

How will this impact the 2020/21 season?
Again, we will need to see what the conclusion of the 2019/20 season holds, and then we will be able to see if any changes will need to be made to 2020/21.

We’ve lost a lot of revenue by not hosting a tournament this summer, how can you help?
We understand that many clubs will have a devastating fall in income, for a variety of reasons. We are working hard to find ways to support these clubs. It will be a long process and often dealt with on a case by case basis. Once we understand what support the Government and The FA can offer, we will work on creating a local network of support.

We’ve already paid for trophies and end of season events, what shall we do?
We are unsure what will happen to the end of this season yet, so please keep hold of them. We understand that this is a big financial commitment and that money may have been better used elsewhere. 

Shall we continue to be paying into our facility or sinking fund for our 3G?

We’ll have a huge reduction in sponsor income, how might be offset this?
This impact may be long lasting as the economy recovers. Kent FA will continue to create innovative solutions to raising funds and cutting spending. We will have more information on this once any support from the Government and The FA has been made clear.

We need to pay business rates, tax or contracted services, but we can’t afford it. What help can we get?
The Government has issued a series of support for small businesses. Please read this information clearly to identify whether you can gain access to the support. Otherwise, if you have specific concerns then please contact 

Will the affiliation fees for next season be different, and when will the window open and close?
We are not certain on either the window of affiliation or the costs at the moment. This is under review until we have more information.

How will we pay for kit and equipment for next season with a reduced income?
As the situation unfolds, the support from the Government and The FA will become clearer. Kent FA will continue to work hard to increase incomes into your club and work on ways to reduce costs.