
Marketing Your Club

In today’s fast changing world, effective marketing and communications are essential for all clubs if they want to attract new players, establish a strong reputation in the local community and generate club income. 

By developing a concise marketing plan for your club, it will help you to think about what makes your club stand out from the crowd. It will also help you to get the right message out to the right people, at the right time.

A club website offers the club an opportunity to promote itself throughout Kent football. So the better it looks, and more and up-to-date it is, the better impression it will make on visitors, players and volunteers. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are also brilliant ways of promoting your club for free and offer various engagement opportunities with your key audience. It is worth being mindful that club websites and social media accounts are in the public domain and therefore you should exercise caution and responsibility when using these platforms.

Take a look at the pages below for tips and advice on marketing your club.

Get in touch

Marketing Team

Claire Whybrew

Head of Marketing & Partnerships

Charlie McBride

Marketing Officer